
17 April 2013


I have to say, I am very glad that book club chose this one. I really don't think I would have ever picked it up on my own to try reading it again.

The analogy that is made between Rick and the story of Abigail has really given me something to think about it. Here is one of my favorite quotes so far '...part of that atonement, Abigail suggests, is the idea that the Lord offers to those who have been harmed or potentially harmed  by the sins of others the help and sustenance they need to be made whole. ... With their burdens lifted in this way, the sinned-against are saved from the provocation to sin and are therefore redeemed from their own sins.'

A few days ago while I was talking to my mom, I told her how interesting it is that even though no new information is added, no new facts, but when we read something in black and white or when someone else explains it to us, something clicks and we understand it all over again.

A full review at the end of the month.


02 April 2013

The Peacegiver ~ Take Two

I recently started going to a book club with some friends from my church. It is a great time to get out of the house {no baby on my hip} and visit. I have decided that I am a chatter. Wow!! Get me out of the house with a bunch of ladies.....Here's a shout out for adult conversation!!


The book that was decided for April is The Peacegiver by James L. Ferrell.

This book has been on my shelf for a long time. I tried reading it once but I could NOT get past the first 3 pages. Reading as Rick complained about his marriage and how his wife had done him wrong, Ferrell even starts it out on a stormy night, with the wind howling and the rain beating against the house. This is obviously not my favorite way to start a book, it just seems so cliche.

Well, the friend that suggested it assured me that it really is a great book. So, here's to round two!! If I can make it past the first 3 pages in one sitting I will be way ahead of my curve from last time.

Read along with me and feel free to comment with your own thoughts on the book. Did you like it? Has it help in your relationship? What was one of your favorite quotes? Come back and see what my answers are to these questions.


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