
04 August 2009

Hurry up........and Wait

I just finished Mary, Martha & Me. The last chapter was about understanding that we need to wait on the timing of the Lord. We can't force him into doing stuff because we think we are ready or we do not want to wait.

"For the people of the Lord are they who wait for him...."
-2 Nephi 6:13

One instance that is mentioned is Mary and her brother Lazarus. I love this story. My niece used to always ask me tell her Jesus stories. One time I told her this story and later she repeated the story to be about a brother and sister who loved each other. With a quick review of the history of the time it becomes clear why Jesus waited to come to Lazarus. Olsen states that "...these believers were required to wait to finally understand what Jesus meant."

This was a great way to end the book. Understanding that when we put God first and find the 'needful thing.' He will not ask us to do anything save He will provide the way, the Savior will make us equal to the tasks that are before us. This life will be worth it but we can not push the Lord into what we want. Be patient and wait for his perfect timing so I can have the life that he has planned for me.

"Mary and Martha have both chosen 'that good part' (Luke 10:42)-that is, they put Christ first in their lives while being true to their God-given gifts." (122) We do not need to become the perfect this or that. Be true to who you are and the gifts God gave us.

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