
02 March 2010

Book vs. Movie ~ Twilight Saga

Ok, it's been a while since I have written because I really have not done that much reading into New Moon. I talked with my sister a little bit and she was saying that she wants to read the books again but since New Moon (the movie) just came out and the third movie is coming out in the Spring, she told me that she is going to wait to read the books until after she sees the movies. Her reasons are ~ books are always better then movies: so she doesn't want to ruin the story in her mind by reading the book first then seeing the movie. It is like eating something that tastes bad, you always have to follow it with something better, and in this case, that would be the book. If she reads the books after watching the movies, then it will simply add to the story. Now I think I have changed my mind. Before I go much further in the books I think I will watch the movies first. That way I won't get a bad taste left in my mouth.

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